Well… I don’t know what to say.
I’ve been deeply touched and totally awed by the generosity and support of so many of you. It’s easy to be cynical these days about how polarized and disconnected the world is becoming but I can tell you, it’s going to be ok.
When you’re faced with a crisis people will close ranks and show you the best of themselves. The number of people who have offered food, babysitting, financial support, hugs, or just a shoulder to cry on has staggered Alex and myself.
We are so appreciative of all of the support we’ve received. So many people have blown us away with their sincere offers of any kind of support they can give. And I don’t mean in a “let me know if there’s anything I can do” sort of way. They’ve really meant it, and month after month have let us know that help is there if we need it.
In a way this has actually been hard for me. As a stoic WASP it goes completely against my nature to have to reach out and ask for help, and I delayed it as long as I could, but in a situation like this I’ve had to accept that it’s not about me.
Since the day of my diagnosis my thoughts have only been with my wife and daughter and it is unbelievably heart warming to have seen the love that so many people have for them.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and it has somewhat helped to put my mind at ease to see that this village is as large and is as loving as so many of you have demonstrated it to be.
As the gofundme page has detailed, over the past 2 years I’ve undergone over 30 maximum-dose chemo treatments to prolong my life (I kept asking for more… they wouldn’t give it to me).
Unfortunately a few months ago those treatments stopped working. Chemo is the “conventional” treatment because it’s the only thing that doctors can have confidence in as mostly effective.
Fortunately for people like me, cancer research is one of those rare human endeavours where the smartest people in the world work together and share their results to try to collectively come up with a solution.
Obviously there is no cure, but these herculean efforts have started to yield some promising possibilities. One of these new treatments is a specific kind of mutation-targeting drug that tries to direct and maximize your own immune system to kill the cancer.
Today, because of your incredible support and generosity I received my first dose of this new drug. I think I may be the first in the world to receive this specific treatment.
I’m facing a huge challenge with my disease but I want you all to know you have my deepest thanks for never letting me feel like I’m in this alone.
When you’re faced with a seemingly impossible challenge you have two choices: give up, or dig in your heels and start swinging.
I may not look it but I’m a tough son of a bitch. I want you all to know that whatever may come in terms of treatment, symptoms and side effects, if this in any way comes down to resilience or will power that there’s not a chance in hell that I will come up short.
If cancer was looking for an easy win it picked the wrong guy with the wrong family, friends and medical team.
The treatment that your support is enabling me to receive is my best chance to fight back. That fight began today, and I’m ready to get some blood on my knuckles.
From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of Alex and Audrey, thank you!
Please share this post. This campaign has spread farther than I could have imagined or can manage and I want to make sure everyone gets thanked.
With love, Julian